Tuesday 29 December 2015

What is Manowar?

Good evening Gentlemen

Hope the Christmas holidays are treating you well!

Welcome to Manowar Pilates. Pilates with a punch!

Manowar is designed with men in mind. Its my attempt to get men of all ages to get into the wonderful world of Pilates and reap the rewards it offers.

I am a Pilates Instructor currently working 8 classes per week plus a few classes here and there. Most of my client base are women. Only 3 classes I teach contain men. Only 1 class has more than one man in it..two. The other classes have one man each for a grand total of four men attending Pilates.

This is sad.

Well, more disappointing I suppose.

On these pages I will be dispelling myths, building confidence and offering Pilates moves and routines.

So, who am I?

My name is Stefan, I have been in the leisure industry most of my adult life, teaching exercise. I am 41 years old and found Pilates after a serious spine condition was discovered (I'll cover that in a later post).

After being written off, I paid for private physio and discovered what Pilates really is. Not the namby pamby stuff I thought lycra wearing women went to. My bodybuilders mind got in the way in the past but now I had to explore this new exercise system - new for me because Pilates has been around for many years - and I now teach it and still work on my physique.

Remember, I was written off by my doctors. No more physique training and I was told I would never work in leisure again, not in the same capacity at least.

These posts are not trying to win awards for grammar and spelling, so I will try and write like I talk, that is straight forward and hopefully engaging and entertaining.

I currently work with MMA fighters, bodybuilders, runners and dancers and am really pushing Pilates into their routines.

I'm not against females reading these posts either, its just Manowar has been created for men as women have plenty of dvds, classes and web pages as it is. Another one is not needed.

Every single Pilates dvd I pick up has a middle aged woman on it. No wonder men look away from Pilates!

Ok gents, I am finishing this post, well done if your still reading and thank you.

I'll be back with some interesting stuff for you soon.